First United Methodist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024

* Church Announcements (07/24/2024)


Keep all affected in the flooding in your prayers!!


Weekly Worship Opportunities at First UMC
- In-person Worship, Sundays @ 9am (Traditional) and 11:15am (Casual)
- Holy Communion is served, at both services, the first Sunday of each month.
- (There is a Staffed Nursery at both services for kids 5 years and younger)
- Additional parking is now available in the new Hunt Elementary School parking lot.
- Online Worship, Sundays @ 10am on our Facebook Page (First United Methodist Church - Sioux City)
- Worship Any-day @ Anytime online (and Sunday’s by 9am) on our Website ( 
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Preaching - Rev. Roger Madden
     - Sermon title: "Running in the Race of Life” (Olympics-theme)
Worship Assistant (9:00 service) - Carla Rubel
(Online) Piano - Pat Harm
Organist (9:00 service) - Jane Sibley
Ministry of Music - Roger Madden, solo
Scripture  -  The Apostle Paul Writes Timothy      2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NIV)
6  For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.
7  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
Preview Questions for this week’s sermon
✞ How am I currently doing in my "race" of life? (Running well? Stumbling?  Needing some further "coaching?)"
     - A Preview Question for Pastor Roger’s sermon this Sunday (July 28).   
In-person worship is at 9am (Traditional Worship) and 11:15am (Casual Service).  The service is also on Facebook on Sundays at 10am (Facebook page: First United Methodist Church - Sioux City), and also anytime on our website (  The scripture will be 2 Timothy 4:6-8.
✞ How has God through Jesus helped me in the past when I faced “agony”?  Helping me now?
     - Another Preview Question for Pastor Roger’s sermon for this Sunday (July 28).
Post-Sermon Focus Question
✞ This week, what is one way I can better train for this "race" I am in?
     - A Focus Question from Pastor Roger’s sermon on Sunday, July 28.  Watch the Online service (anytime throughout the week), listen to and/or download the Sermon Podcast, read the latest detailed newsletter, see whose birthday or anniversary is coming up, and much more on our church website at
Hymns for 9:00am Traditional Worship:
“Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above”
“A Charge to Keep I Have”
“Blessed Assurance”
Hymns for 11:15am Casual Service: 
“Come, Now is the Time to Worship”
“Blessed Assurance”
Hymns for Online Service
Hymn #126   “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above" (Verses 1, 2, & 4)
1. Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation,
the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation.
With healing balm my soul is filled and every faithless murmur stilled:
To God all praise and glory.
2. The Lord is never far away, but through all grief distressing,
an ever present help and stay, our peace and joy and blessing.
As with a mother's tender hand, God gently leads the chosen band:
To God all praise and glory.
4. Let all who name Christ's holy name give God all praise and glory;
let all who own his power proclaim aloud the wondrous story!
Cast each false idol from its throne, for Christ is Lord, and Christ alone:
To God all praise and glory.
Hymn #369     "Blessed Assurance" (All 3 Verses)
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!  O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.
2. Perfect submission, perfect delight, visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.
3. Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my Savior am happy and blest,
watching and waiting, looking above, filled with his goodness, lost in his love.
This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
✞ All Announcements Are Also Available on Our Website under “Church Newsletter” and in the Sunday Church Bulletins.
Pastor Roger will be our Ministry of Music this Sunday, July 28.  
     Roger will be accompanied by Jane Sibley as he sings “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).”
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL RECAP - "SCUBA: Super Cool Undersea Bible Adventure" - has ended (It was from July 15-17) with 48 kids in attendance and over 40 volunteers.  A BIG "THANK YOU" to Pastor Martha, all the volunteers, and the families involved as they were reminded of God's love.  Also, “THANK YOU” to El Fredo Pizza for donating 11 large pizzas for supper on Wednesday night.  
      Everything went smoothly because we had so many wonderful volunteers!  Because of extra teen and adult volunteers (who had filled out the Safe Sanctuary Forms), we were able to have at least three crew leaders for each of the teams!  The teachers commented on the excellent behavior of the kids.  This was our first year providing a Preschool VBS in our library and nursery and the little ones loved it!  One of the best things was watching friendships bloom among the adults as well as the kids.  Thanks God!  We also had extra folks volunteer to help with food.
     Today during worship, I am offering a bonus day of VBS.  The kids will meet Tad, a clown fish, who wants the kids to know “God is a friend who is real” and Waylon, a shark, who wants the kids to know God is a friend forever.
Welcome Table & Registration - Carol Sitzmann, Myrna Sorensen
Food - Coordinating:  Bernice Metz 
- Marla Luitjens, Kevin Birmingham, Clyde & Karen Newton, Barb Weakley, 
Roger & Linda Groves, Mary Kay Schenk, Maria Andersen, JR Davis, 
Mike & Sharon Hobart, Dori Young, Paul & Sarah Anin.  
Opening and Closing – Pastor Martha Anderson, Maggie Mauch, Megan Simard
Games – Marce Wagner, Kathy Coffin
Imagination Station – Troy & Emily Jasman, Kandi Custer, Luis Angel
Sticky Scripture – Lonnie Gustafson, Neil Peck
Bible Story - Bev Weseman, Sue Gwin
Preschool: Denise Parsons, Virginia Taylor, Prudy Deck, Paige Windenhausen, 
Megan VonHaden
Crews Leaders: Carla Rubel, Michelle Knudson, Shayleigh Frisbie, Koltyn Frisbie, Karen Adix, Nick Anderson, Kayla VonHaden, Luke Dutcher, Paul & Sarah Anin, Janet Young, Maddie Payne
Decorating – Virginia Taylor, Karen Newton, Pastor Martha, Jeff Buchman,
Lonnie Gustafson, Bev Weseman, Sue Gwin, Marce Wagner, Kathy Coffin, 
Megan VonHaden, Karen Adix, Tim & Carla Rubel, Mary Stoneburg
Photographer – Gene Wagner
Media – Pastor Roger Madden
T-Shirt Prep – Maria Andersen 
July Monthly Mission is Hunt Elementary School Teachers & Support Staff
$1329 raised as of July 22.  That divides out to $26.58 per gift card for the 50 teachers and support staff.  We still have 1 more week to give.
   Anyone who has ever been a school teacher knows that to get a classroom ready for school to start in August, they spend a lot of their own money. In our partnership with Hunt Elementary School (across the street from our church), we annually raise funds to give gift cards to the Hunt School teachers to help them get what they need in their classroom. Last year, we raised $2500 and were able to give the 50 teachers and support staff Target gift cards of $50 each. You can give in worship, mail it in, drop it off, or use your bank's "Billpay" to make a donation for this ministry we do as First UMC.
Treft’s Garden Tours Being Scheduled for this Summer - Next open opportunity is Wed., July 31
     Dave and Terri Treft would like to invite the people of our church too experience a vegetable/flower garden tour at their home on the westside of Sioux City. Previously, they would host one large group to their large garden. However, it is felt that smaller groups (maximum 8 people) will make for a better visit and learning environment. The Treft’s will freely share with those touring the produce that is ready to be harvested at that time. This year, they have planted the following: Many varieties of tomatoes, pepper (sweet and hot), eggplant, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, onions, beans, peas, and others as well as flowers (sunflowers, milkweed, roses, zinnias, marigolds, dahlias, and more).
     To sign up for a tour (Please sign up a friend if one is coming with you) are placed across from the church office for the following dates: July 31 and August 21. All tours will be from 7pm-8pm. Their place is located at 2333 Kellogg Street. In case of rain, a “rain date” would be the following Wednesday at the same time.
Special Mission Recognition
     It is time again for Special Mission Recognition.  This is an opportunity to honor someone who goes above and beyond the call to serve the Church and community, living a Christian lifestyle, being a true disciple of Christ.  We also welcome nominations of our youth from the church.  Please put their name and why you think they should be recognized on the nomination form and put it in the ballot box, located on the shelf across from the church office.
  ~Thank you, United Women in Faith
Holy Communion in Worship on Sunday, August 4th
     We will be offering the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, August 4th at both worship services.  In addition, Pastor Roger will offer a blessing to anyone who chooses as they come forward.
First Sunday for Food at First is August 4th       
     We are collecting non-perishable food items for Grace United Methodist Church Food Pantry, which serves Sioux City.  Our help is certainly needed and appreciated.  
     Did you know.... Grace United Methodist Church and First United Methodist Church are in partnership.  Grace UMC is very generous in their donations to the Personal Care Cupboard, so let’s be generous with our donations to their food pantry.  Thank you for your support of these two very important ministries. 
Siouxland African Festival is Saturday, August 10th from 1pm-8pm at the Sioux City Convention Center
     Our church, along with Pastor Roger,  helped form and now helps sponsor the Siouxland African Festival each year.  It used to be here at our church but has outgrown our facility.  This year, SA-Fest 2024 will be on Saturday, August 10th from 1pm to 8pm at the Sioux City Convention Center -  FREE! FREE!  Come and spend as long as you want as you will enjoy the culture, food, and people.  For more information, check out their website ( or their Facebook page (Siouxland African Association - SAFAS)
Area Flooding Update - How Can You Help
As of Monday, July 22, $3,708 has been raised from our church for flood relief. PLUS, over 25 volunteers from our church served and delivered supper for flood victims on Tuesday, July 9.
      Today, the best way to help is to:
PRAY. Pray for those affected, those grieving, those in the shelter, and those responding.
REACH OUT. Do you know someone who was affected by this disaster? Call them, send them a note or text. Knowing that others care and are praying makes a huge difference.
DONATE for SIOUXLAND: Our hearts and prayers go out to the many communities in Siouxland dealing with flooding and evacuations.  A fund has been setup called the Siouxland Recovery Fund and it will provide financial resources to helpmeet short, intermediate and long term needs for recovery in the Siouxland area when a major disaster strikes. The fund is overseen by The United Way of Siouxland. On June 23, 2024, the fund was activated to support the recovery efforts of major flooding in the Siouxland region. Union County SD, Dakota County NE, and Woodbury & Plymouth Counties in IA will be the primary areas served.
Donating to the Siouxland Recovery Fund is easy:
- You can donate at church and we will then give all the money received to the Fund.
- Mail your donation to the Siouxland Recovery Fund c/o United Way of Siouxland at 701 Steuben St. Sioux City, IA 51101
- Contributions can also be made at any Security National Bank drop box or overnight deposit location.
The purpose of the Siouxland Recovery Fund is to provide financial resources to help meet short,
intermediate and long term needs for recovery in the Siouxland area when a major disaster strikes.
Local organizations leading the Siouxland Recovery Fund are: American Red Cross, COAD
(Community Organizations Active in Disaster), Dakota County Emergency Management, North Sioux City Fire Dept., Salvation Army, Sioux City Fire Department, Siouxland Community Foundation, United Way of Siouxland (fiscal agent), and Woodbury County Emergency Management.
You can learn more about The Siouxland Recovery Fund, or give online through Paypal, at their
website at (
DONATE for IOWA: To help those affected outside of Siouxland in Iowa, you can give through Iowa United Methodist Disaster Response, Special Advance #223. Many areas in Iowa, outside of Siouxland, have also been affected. If you wish to make a donation for those affected in Iowa (i.e. Rock Valley, Spencer, etc.), you can designate on a check or through your bank's "Bill Pay" "IOWA FLOOD RELIEF" and 100% of what you give will directly help those in need.
First UMC Financial Status Through June, 2024
(1) We are 50.0% of the way through our budget year.
(2) We have received 45.6% of our $388,209 budget for the year (for a total of $176,652). 
(3) We have expended 49.1% of our budget for the year (for a total of $190,702). We began 2024 with a positive balance in our account.
(4) Our total revenues for 2024 are 3.4% higher than our 3-year average for the end of June. This figure includes our Conference Apportionments.  
     Thanks to you, our financial status continues to fund ministry.  Please remember that we do not receive our offerings in equal 1/12 increments (especially in the summer).  All current bills are paid as of  the end of June.  We appreciate your continued giving to God's work through First UMC.
The 2024 Church Directory Is on its Way
     The church directory is being printed and should be here soon. If you had a picture taken or submitted, you will get a free copy. If you want an extra copy or did not participate and would like a copy, the cost will be $5 each.
Special Music this Summer
     Gene Wagner is organizing special music for the 9:00 a.m. worship services this summer. If you are interested or know someone who would like to share their musical talents for special music, please talk to Gene Wagner.
Recruiting Handbell Players - Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play handbells?  The Celebration Bells are in need of several handbell players.  All you need is basic knowledge of musical notation and we’ll help you with the rest.  We rehearse on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 p.m. from September through May and play once a month for church, as well as playing at the 12th Night handbell festival.  I will have a table with some handbells set up in the front of the sanctuary the next few weeks.  After the service, come down and give it a try.  I and a few handbell players will be there to show you how they are played and to answer any questions you have.  Come and check it out.
~Gene Wagner, Handbell Choir Director
Have You Seen our nice Church Flower Garden? Lawn?
     Peggy Mace and Dori Young have been tending our courtyard flower garden here at church, as well as the corner sign area. Thank You to them for cultivating the beauty!  And also, a Thank You to Barry Enockson who keeps our church lawn looking good!
The Personal Care Cupboard continues to operate on Wednesdays from 5pm-6pm and Thursdays from 2pm-3pm. 
     If you are interested in volunteering once or regularly, contact the church office.
- Item of the Month (July): Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
Fellowship Time Schedule - Here is the schedule, based on the last name, for families serving. Copies of the Fellowship Time Schedule through the end of the year are available to pick up by the bulletin board outside the Church Office.
July 28 - H, I, J & K
August 4- L-Ma
August 11 - Mc, N & O
Fellowship Time is each Sunday morning following the 9:00 a.m. worship service. This is a time for folks to leisurely visit with friends and visitors. This is also a very important time to create a warm and friendly atmosphere where folks will want to return and become more involved in the life of the church.
Each Sunday, we need the following from the scheduled host families:
1. Make one 50 cup coffee pot of coffee (coffee is furnished) and put out coffee cups.
2. Have available a total of two gallons of juice or punch (not red).
3. Each family that does not bring juice are to bring about 2 dozen cookies and/or goodies so we have enough to serve a total of about 100 people.
4. Have at least 3 or 4 persons to be present to serve and greet folks as they come.
We ask your family group to furnish the items. The Fellowship Time is free of charge to all, so we will not be putting out a money donation basket.
Additional Church Parking is Available in the Hunt School Parking Lot
     The Hunt Elementary School parking lot is located across the street from the front of the church on Nebraska Street.
Our Deepest Sympathy (Please keep their family and friends in your prayers):
- Death of Miles Patton, Jr. (Age 92).  Miles died on July 7.
- Death of Bob Morfitt (Age 88), husband of Geri Morfitt. Bob died on July 3.
- Death of Chad Powers (Age 69), father of Amanda Gibson. Chad died on June 4 and lived in Arizona.
- Death of Virginia Feenstra (Age 92). Virginia died on May 18. Services pending.
- Death of Liam Anin, 5 day old son of Paul & Sarah. Liam was born premature on May 1 and died May 6.  Pastor Roger had a graveside for him on May 10. Both Paul & Sarah are originally from the Ivory Coast of Africa.
- Death of Dee Farrell (Age 69), the sister of Myna Sorensen. Dee died on May 1.
Did You Know That You Can Add Long-term Impact for Others by Remembering First UMC in Your Will?
     Simply put one sentence in your will that says, “After all my bills are paid, I want 10-percent of my estate (a tithe) to go to First United Methodist Church of Sioux City, Iowa.” Your gift will be added to the principle of our Endowment Fund. The principle is never touched but the investment earnings are used each year for ministry through First UMC. This simple gesture will help support your church for future generations to learn about Jesus.
Remember a Loved One on Our Memorial Wall
     First United Methodist Church is offering the opportunity for individuals to have a loved one's name placed on our Memorial Wall. The Memorial Wall is located in our church's courtyard on the Chapel wall.  It is intended to provide opportunities for First UMC members and friends to remember their loved ones near their church home.
     The purchase price is $200 per inscribed plaque. You can reserve a space (or spaces) by filling out a "Plaque Inscription Agreement" form (You can get the form in the Church Office).
Are You Interested in helping with our church Media Team?
     With the addition of our online worship and opportunities through the internet, as well as the media in our worship services, we are seeking volunteers for our church “Media Team.” Pastor Roger oversees the Media Team and we will train you in whatever area you feel gifted in serving your church as a part of the Media Team during the service. We are not seeking one person to do all of this but a few people to do any of these.
The Puzzle Exchange is Open in the Church Library
     Do you buy jigsaw puzzles, work them once and then store them in the closet never to be worked  again? Are you interested in new puzzles to do but don’t want to spend the money on them? Your church is now providing a free Puzzle Exchange service for anyone who wants. You take a jigsaw puzzle and leave a puzzle (if you have one to leave. If you do not have one to leave, then just take a puzzle). Stop by the church library and see if there is a puzzle that interests you and/or drop off those puzzles you’ve been storing in the closet for others to enjoy.
Check Us Out on Facebook (First United Methodist Church - Sioux City)
    You can "Like" us, receive our daily "Prayer Prompts from Pastor Roger", find out about upcoming events, and see what has happened, on our church Facebook page. Pastor Roger will also be reminding us of the previous week's sermon message as well as give us a question or two, later in the week, for the upcoming Sunday's message.
Thank You for Your Prayers and Support of Our Ministries! 
     We have had members mail in donations, use their internet banking and set us up as a “Bill Pay” option to send their donations, and even had members drop off their donations in the Mail Drop - which is located right by the Maroon Canopy entrance in the main parking lot. As you can see in looking above at all that continues to happen a your church, First United Methodist continues to “Make a Difference” in the lives of others.
If you have a prayer request or information to share, you can call the church at (712-258-0119) or email us (
Pfishing Emails: If you ever receive an email from Pastor Roger, or anyone on the staff, asking "What's the best time for you to be free today?" or “I need you to buy a gift card for me.” - DO NOT CLICK ANY LINK and delete the email or report it as spam. This does not come from Pastor Roger.
     If you ever have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us directly to confirm if you think something is suspicious.
Weather Cancellation Notifications - In case of severe weather, we will publicize on our web site ( and on our answering machine whether we are or are not having church, Sunday School, or small groups as soon as we know.
Do No Harm! Do Good! Stay in Love with God!
 - (John Wesley’s 3 Simple Rules in living the life of a Christian and that will change your world)