First United Methodist Church
Friday, September 13, 2024

* Church Announcements (09/11/2024)


Keep all affected in the flooding in your prayers!!



Weekly Worship Opportunities at First UMC
- In-person Worship, Sundays @ 9am (Traditional) and 11:15am (Casual)
              - Holy Communion is served, at both services, the first Sunday of each month.
              - (There is a Staffed Nursery at both services for kids 5 years and younger)
              - Additional parking is now available in the new Hunt Elementary School parking lot.
- Online Worship, Sundays @ 10am on our Facebook Page (First United Methodist Church - Sioux City)
- Worship Any-day @ Anytime online (and Sunday’s by 9am) on our Website ( 
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Preaching - Rev. Roger Madden
     - Sermon: “Who is on My Spiritual Crew?” 
Worship Assistant (9:00 service) - Neil Peck
(Online) Piano - Pat Harm
Organist (9:00 service) - David Chobar
Focus Scriptures This Sunday     Hebrews 10:24-25 & John 1:14 (NIV)
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
John 1: 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth
Preview Questions for this week’s sermon
✞ What groups am I a part of?  How often do I attend?
     - Preview Questions for Pastor Roger’s message this Sunday (Sept. 15).   This is part 2 of a 5-week sermon series on the 5 things United Methodist’s pledge as they "faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness." 
     In-person worship is at 9am (Traditional Worship) and 11:15am (Casual Service).  The service is also on Facebook on Sundays at 10am (Facebook page: First United Methodist Church - Sioux City), and also anytime on our website (  The scriptures will be Hebrews 10:24-25 & John 1:14.
✞ What excuses have I used to not attend church?
     - Another Preview Question for Pastor Roger’s message for this Sunday (Sept. 15). This is part 2 (Presence) of a 5-week sermon series on the 5 things United Methodist's pledge as they "faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness." 
Post-Sermon Focus Question
✞ Who have I been blessed to know because I met them at church?  Who has been blessed by knowing me through the church?                                    
     - A couple of Focus Questions from Pastor Roger’s message on Sunday, Sept. 15.  Watch the Online service (anytime throughout the week), listen to and/or download the Sermon Podcast, read the latest detailed newsletter, see whose birthday or anniversary is coming up, and much more on our church website at
Hymns for 9:00am Traditional Worship:
“The Church’s One Foundation”
“We Are the Church”
“Forward Through the Ages”
Hymns for 11:15am Casual Service: 
“Here I Am to Worship”
“The Church’s One Foundation”
Hymns for Online Service
Hymn #545     "The Church's One Foundation" (Verses 1, 2 & 5)
1. The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord;
she is his new creation by water and the Word.
From heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride;
with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.
2. Elect from every nation, yet one o'er all the earth;
her charter of salvation, one Lord, one faith, one birth;
one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food,
and to one hope she presses, with every grace endued.
5. Yet she on earth hath union with God the Three in One,
and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won.
O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we
like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.
Hymn #558  "We Are the Church” (Verses 1, 2 & 4)
(Refrain) I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together!
All who follow Jesus, all around the world! Yes, we're the church together!
1 The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple,
the church is not a resting place, the church is a people
2 We're many kinds of people, with many kinds of faces,
all colors and all ages, too, from all times and places.
4 And when the people gather, there's singing and there's praying,
there's laughing and there's crying sometimes, all of it saying.
✞ Announcements are also available in the Sunday church bulletins.
What does it mean to be a United Methodist?  When you joined the United Methodist Church, what did you plan for?  Members of United Methodist Churches vow to "faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness."  For 5 Sundays in worship (both online and in-person), from Sept. 8 - Oct. 6, we will look at each one of these attributes in being a United Methodist and what each one calls for us to be and do.  You do not need to be wonderful in all areas, just be who God created you to be. What attributes do you have an easy time in living?  Which do you find harder to do?
Are You Interested in Being a Communion Steward?
     You would prepare and help administer Communion at the 9:00 Traditional worship service. You can do this every month or be available as needed.  Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month.  If you are interested or would like more information, feel free to contact Pastor Roger, the church office, or indicate your interest on the yellow Worship Response sheet in your worship bulletin.
September Monthly Mission is CROP Walk
     CROP Hunger Walks help to support the overall ministry of Church World Service (CWS), especially grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world. In addition, each local CROP Hunger Walk can choose to return up to 25 percent of the funds it raises to hunger-fighting programs in its own community.
   CROP Walks help to provide food and water, as well as resources that empower people to meet their own needs. From seeds and tools, to wells and water systems, to technical training and micro-enterprise loans, the key is people working together to identify their own development priorities, their strengths and their needs something CWS has learned through some 68 years of working in partnership around the world.
     CROP Walk 2024 is on Sunday Oct 20, beginning at 1pm from Grace UMC.  You can make a donation to this annual event in worship, mail it in, drop it off,  or use your bank's "Billpay".   A sign-up sheet is outside the church office.  For more information, contact Jo Lear 712-251-6015 and Rolene Beauvais 712-223-9965.For more information, contact Jo Lear 712-251-6015 and Rolene Beauvais 712-223-9965
     Last year there were 21 CROP Walkers from First United Methodist.  This year Jo Lear 712-251-6015 and Rolene Beauvais 712-223-9965 would like to recruit at least 30 CROP Walkers for our team's event on Sunday, Oct 20.  Let's beat Grace UMC who had 25 walkers in 2023.  Can you help us meet that goal by signing up soon?  Sign-up sheet and donation envelopes are available outside the church office.  Thank you!
Celebration Bells rehearse on Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Bell Room (upstairs of the Education wing). They play once a month at the 9am Sunday worship service. If you are interested in playing bells, just show up and/or let Gene know.
The Jubilate Choir (High School - Adult) rehearse Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Choir Room. They sing weekly at the 9am Sunday worship service except when the handbell choir plays.  Pray about singing in the choir and if you have any questions or comments, talk with Gene Wagner.
Annual Patio Picnic is TONIGHT (Wednesday, Sept. 11) - Come anytime between 5:30pm - 7:00pm to enjoy food, fellowship, & fun in our church courtyard.  In addition to the free hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, chips, bottled water, cookies, bars, and other treats, a bouncy house/slide and games for the kids, and even adults, (provided by our Youth@First) will be available.  If you can make cookies, bars, or have garnishments, to share, bring them along.
If you would like to help set up, we are meeting at 4:30pm.  
If you would like to help serve, be here about 5:15pm.
Invite a friend out to dinner and come and enjoy!!!
Older Adult Ministries will begin a new 6-week study on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 11:00am in the church library. The study is  entitled, “RESTORED, Finding Redemption in our MESS”.  Using scripture, stories, and personal affirmation, pastor and author Tom Berlin takes us on a journey from our own brokenness to redemption and restoration through Jesus.  If you have any questions please contact Neil Peck (our Director of Older Adult Ministries) at 712-258-0119 or stop by and see him.  Hope to see you on the 18th.
Day Tripping, September 19th @ 10:00 am
     All are invited to join us on a trip to the Sioux City Public Museum, 607 4th Street, Sioux City.  Meet in the church parking lot to carpool at 9:30 am.  If you want to drive to the museum, parking is available along 4th Street or on Nebraska Street.  You will need $1.50 to $2.00 for parking.  Please sign up on the sheet located on the shelf across from the Church Office.
Our Sunday School Program Began LAST SUNDAY and Continues Weekly from 10:10-11:00am
     Pastor Martha and others are very excited for our next Epic Adventure! For our next adventure we will travel to a castle in Medieval Times with “Kingdom Rock – Where Kids Stand Strong for God”.
Because we discovered that rotations work best for our younger Sunday School students, we will be using vintage VBS material which is designed for rotations. We will begin in the chapel for the first station and then divide into two groups: Bible Adventure and Imagination Station (crafts/science).
Sept. 8: God’s Love Helps Us Stand Strong – King David
Sept. 15: Family and Friends Helps Us Stand Strong – Queen Esther
Sept. 22: Prayer helps Us Stand Strong – Nehemiah
Sept. 29: The Bible Helps us Stand Strong – Josiah
     We are planning a mini Madrigal for our Sunday School Christmas program (without the feast) so we will be learning some of the medieval Christmas carols in preparation.  If anyone has any appropriate costumes/hats or would like to create or adapt some, please let me know!
Are You Gifted in Helping Teach Children?
We would like some more volunteers to teach or assist in our children’s programs. Please let Pastor Martha (our Children’s Pastor) know if you can help. You will need to complete a background check if you have not already done so. Even if you can only volunteer a single Sunday, we can use your help! Call/text Pastor Martha at 712-898-6854. She especially will need a substitute the last weekend in October.
Youth Group (Grade 5 and up) meets on Wednesdays from 6-7pm.
     Our first Hunt Celebrate Party will be Wednesday, September 18 as we “Celebrate Fall Y’all.”  I am thrilled to announce we have TEN signed up to help which means we can actually try a new idea to host parents and younger (maybe older) children in the Fellowship Hall with coloring sheets and books while the preschool (age 4) through 3rd graders attend the four activity stations.  We can never have too many volunteers so feel free to come help out. Signed up so far: Geri Morfitt, Marla Luitjens, Emily Jasman, Virginia Taylor, Janet Young, Karen Newton, Kathy Coffin, Myrna Sorensen, Maria Andersen, and Bernice Metz.  
Celebrate Scripture@First
     Lonnie Gustafson and I are planning to start a monthly party for 4th graders to celebrate scripture.  Our first gathering will be Wednesday, September 25 from 3:35-4:50pm.  We will have all of the fun of the regular Celebrate but designed for 4th graders to learn Bible stories and Bible verses through games and fun activities.
As You Plan Ahead Your Costumes for Our Halloween Party, please know I’ve ordered a castle backdrop for pictures as I’m planning a “Castles & Creatures & Monsters & More” theme.
Adult Sunday School - They meet in the Heritage Room (next to Fellowship Hall) from 10:10-11:00am.
The Music Academy is Recruiting Volunteers to Teach Beginning Piano Lessons
     With the new school year about to start, the Music Academy @ First will starting the Beginning Piano Lesson program for 4th and 5th grade students at Hunt Elementary. The lessons will be on Mondays right after school gets out, beginning at 3:45. Each round of classes lasts 7 weeks. The first round of classes will be from September 23- November 4.  A second round of classes will be from January 13 – March 3, 2025, and a third round from March 17 – May 5, 2025.  There will be a new group of students with each round. Our goal is 12 students with a minimum of 6 teachers. There is a volunteer piano teacher instructing 2 students at one time. If we have more than 6 teachers, then some will have just 1 student. We have enough pianos for every student to play on a piano.
     We are looking for volunteers who have musical experience to teach the beginning piano lessons. These lessons cover very basic piano skills. Volunteer teachers need to pass a background check. You can help teach 1, 2, or all 3, 7-lesson sessions. If you want to take a look at the piano book we are using, please see Gene Wagner. If you are interested, talk to Gene Wagner or contact the church office or fill out a yellow Worship Response Sheet in worship. 
     Please pray if God is calling you to help in this ministry to make a difference in a student’s life.
“Are You Able,” said the Jubilate Choir Director? 
     As we look forward to the fall, the Jubilate Choir is looking for more people to come sing with them.  Jesus called disciples who weren’t perfect, but who were willing to serve.  As the director, Gene is looking for people who enjoy singing and are willing to answer the call.  There are many of you who have sung in a choir in school, at church in the past, or who just enjoy singing the hymns in church.  Being a trained singer is not a requirement, just a willingness to give your best.  It is no problem if you are a traveler, just come when you are in town.  Come join us and share in the fellowship and camaraderie of the choir.  Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m., starting September 4th.  If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Gene Wagner.
UWF (United Women in Faith) - First United Methodist Church has three circles, which are small groups of Christian women who meet once a month (September-May). We also have Supportive Members, women who do not belong to a circle, but support UWF with their many talents and gifts.
              - Tuesday, Sept. 10 (7pm) Felicity Circle @ Kathy Lucas house
              - Wednesday, Sept. 11 (12:30pm) Unity Circle @ First UMC Mason Room
              - Thursday, Sept. 12 (9:30am) Harmony Circle@ First UMC Mason Room
              - Monday, Sept. 30 (9:30am) Executive Committee @ First UMC Heritage Room
              - Friday, Oct. 4 (12:30) Unit (all circles) meet @ First UMC Fellowship Hall
If you are interested in more information or joining, please contact the church office (712-258-0119).
First UMC Financial Status Through July, 2024
(1) We are 58.3% of the way through our budget year.
(2) We have received 50.7% of our $388,209 budget for the year (for a total of $196;536). 
(3) We have expended 56.7% of our budget for the year (for a total of $220,298). We began 2024 with a positive balance in our account.
(4) Our total revenues for 2024 are 1.8% higher than our 3-year average for the end of July. This figure includes our Conference Apportionments.  
       Thanks to you, our financial status continues to fund ministry.  Please remember that we do not receive our offerings in equal 1/12 increments (especially in the summer).  All current bills are paid as of  the end of July.  We appreciate your continued giving to God's work through First UMC.
The 2024 Church Directory is Here
The church directory is here.  If you had a picture taken or submitted, you get a free copy. If you want an extra copy or did not participate and would like a copy, the cost will be $5 each.  You can pick yours up at the church office.
Have You Seen our nice Church Flower Garden? Lawn?
Peggy Mace and Dori Young have been tending our courtyard flower garden here at church, as well as the
corner sign area. Thank You to them for cultivating the beauty!
 And also, a Thank You to Barry Enockson who keeps our church lawn looking good!
The Personal Care Cupboard continues to operate on Wednesdays from 5pm-6pm and Thursdays from
2pm-3pm. If you are interested in volunteering once or regularly, contact the church office.
Item of the Month (September): Household Cleaners
Fellowship Time Schedule - Here is the schedule, based on the last name, for families serving. Copies of
the Fellowship Time Schedule through the end of the year are available to pick up by the bulletin board
outside the Church Office.
Sept. 15 - D, E, F, & G
Sept. 22 - H, I, J, & K
Sept. 29 - L-Ma
Fellowship Time is each Sunday morning following the 9:00 a.m. worship service. This is a time for
folks to leisurely visit with friends and visitors. This is also a very important time to create a warm and
friendly atmosphere where folks will want to return and become more involved in the life of the church.
Each Sunday, we need the following from the scheduled host families:
1. Make one 50 cup coffee pot of coffee (coffee is furnished) and put out coffee cups.
2. Have available a total of two gallons of juice or punch (not red).
3. Each family that does not bring juice are to bring about 2 dozen cookies and/or goodies so we have
enough to serve a total of about 100 people.
4. Have at least 3 or 4 persons to be present to serve and greet folks as they come.
We ask your family group to furnish the items. The Fellowship Time is free of charge to all, so we will
not be putting out a money donation basket.
Additional Church Parking is Available in the Hunt School Parking Lot
The Hunt Elementary School parking lot is located across the street from the front of the church on
Nebraska Street.
Our Deepest Sympathy (Please keep their family and friends in your prayers):
- Death of Carol Williams (Age 90), died on August 28.  Carol is the sister of Ruth Kingery.
- Death of Nancy Suttie (Age 57), died on August 23.  Nancy is the daughter of Helen Suttie.  
- Death of Carol Hollander (Age 89) on August 15.  
- Death of Miles Patton, Jr. (Age 92).  Miles died on July 7.
- Death of Bob Morfitt (Age 88), husband of Geri Morfitt. Bob died on July 3.
- Death of Chad Powers (Age 69), father of Amanda Gibson. Chad died on June 4 and lived in Arizona.
Did you know that you can add long-term impact for others by remembering First UMC in your
Simply put one sentence in your will that says, “After all my bills are paid, I want 10-percent of my
estate (a tithe) to go to First United Methodist Church of Sioux City, Iowa.” Your gift will be added to the
principle of our Endowment Fund. The principle is never touched but the investment earnings are used
each year for ministry through First UMC. This simple gesture will help support your church for future
generations to learn about Jesus.
Remember a Loved One on Our Memorial Wall
First United Methodist Church is offering the opportunity for individuals to have a loved one's name
placed on our Memorial Wall. The Memorial Wall is located in our church's courtyard on the Chapel wall.
It is intended to provide opportunities for First UMC members and friends to remember their loved ones
near their church home.
The purchase price is $200 per inscribed plaque. You can reserve a space (or spaces) by filling out a
"Plaque Inscription Agreement" form (You can get the form in the Church Office).
Are You Interested in helping with our church Media Team?
With the addition of our online worship and opportunities through the internet, as well as the media in
our worship services, we are seeking volunteers for our church “Media Team.” Pastor Roger oversees the
Media Team and we will train you in whatever area you feel gifted in serving your church as a part of the
Media Team during the service. We are not seeking one person to do all of this but a few people to do any
of these.
The Puzzle Exchange is Open in the Church Library
Do you buy jigsaw puzzles, work them once and then store them in the closet never to be worked
again? Are you interested in new puzzles to do but don’t want to spend the money on them? Your church
is now providing a free Puzzle Exchange service for anyone who wants. You take a jigsaw puzzle and
leave a puzzle (if you have one to leave. If you do not have one to leave, then just take a puzzle). Stop by
the church library and see if there is a puzzle that interests you and/or drop off those puzzles you’ve been
storing in the closet for others to enjoy.
Check Us Out on Facebook (First United Methodist Church - Sioux City)
You can "Like" us, receive our daily "Prayer Prompts from Pastor Roger", find out about upcoming
events, and see what has happened, on our church Facebook page. Pastor Roger will also be reminding us
of the previous week's sermon message as well as give us a question or two, later in the week, for the
upcoming Sunday's message.
Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministries! We have had members mail in donations,
use their internet banking and set us up as a “Bill Pay” option to send their donations, and even had
members drop off their donations in the Mail Drop - which is located right by the Maroon Canopy
Entrance in the Main parking lot. As you can see in looking above at all that continues to happen at your
church, First United Methodist continues to “Make a Difference” in the lives of others.
If you have a prayer request or information to share, you can call the church (258-0119) or email us
Pfishing Emails: If you ever receive an email from Pastor Roger, or anyone on the staff, asking "What's
the best time for you to be free today?" or “I need you to buy a gift card for me.” - DO NOT CLICK ANY
LINK and delete the email or report it as spam. This does not come from Pastor Roger.
If you ever have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us directly to confirm if you think something is
Weather Cancellation Notifications - In case of severe weather, we will publicize on our web site
( and on our answering machine whether we are or are not having church, Sunday
School, or small groups as soon as we know.
Do No Harm! Do Good! Stay in Love with God!
 - John Wesley’s (The founder of Methodism) 3 Simple Rules in living the life of a Christian that will change your world.