First United Methodist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pictures and Items from Rev. George Haddock's church

Rev. George Haddock served the First Methodist Episcopal Church (Now known as The First United Methodist Church) from 1885 until his death on August 3, 1886.
Here are some pictures and items that we have on display at The First United Methodist Church (1915 Nebraska St.) to commemorate Rev. Haddock and his important ministry.
This is a picture of The First Methodist Episcopal Church that Rev. Haddock served in.  It was located on the southwest corner of 7th and Nebraska Streets.  This building served Methodists in Sioux City from 1884 until 1916, when the congregation relocated and built a new church building at its present location on the northwest corner of 19th & Nebraska Streets.  

This is a picture of the interior of the church at 7th and Nebraska Streets.  Notice the right wall has the painting and Martyrs Plaque dedicated to Rev. Haddock.

Here is a closer picture of the right side of the sanctuary with the painting of Rev. Haddock and the Martyrs Plaque.

The day of Rev. Haddock's funeral service on August 7, 1886. (Picture from page 485 of "Hero and Martyr: The Life of George C. Haddock" written by his son, Frank C. Haddock, in 1887.  You can read and/or download a free PDF file of the book through Google ebook.  The First United Methodist Church has a First Edition and a Third Edition of the book.)

The scene of the killing at 4th and Water Streets. (From page 481 of the book "Hero and Martyr: The Life of George C. Haddock" by his son Frank C. Haddock.)

Here is the Martyrs Plaque and the painting of Rev. Haddock as it appears today at The First United Methodist Church (1915 Nebraska St., Sioux City, Iowa).

The original Martyrs Plaque that was displayed in Rev. Haddock's original church and has been on display at the current First United Methodist Church.

Here is a close up of the painting of Rev. Haddock that is currently on display at The First United Methodist Church. (Note: This is not the original frame from the 7th and Nebraska church).

This place has been recognized as a United Methodist Historic Site. (You can learn more about this site, and other United Methodist Historic Sites by clicking on the emblem to the right: